Meet us here as we dive into the best of the best and the funniest of lessons learned....

carnation collection

Why Showing up the hardest part!

Showing up is the hardest part for me when it comes to something challenging, but when I do everything falls into place.

July 14, 2022

showing up

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How Fashion and Web Design are Alike

Fashion and Web design are alike in the sense that less is more. Have you ever noticed a well-dressed woman? She keeps it simple yet there is a way in which you are drawn to know more…. Web design is just like this…. A website should not be screaming at you once you land on […]

June 23, 2023


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Why Showit makes Showing UP Easy

So the worst thing is to have this amazing business, elevated idea, or portfolio and no way to showcase any of it because you feel challenged in the digital world. I have been there! I found a way around all of this and an open door to being more independent. This is where Showit Websites […]

June 23, 2023


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I did it anyway!

As human beings, we are naturally afraid of failure. We worry about what others might think of us, and we fear that we will not succeed in our endeavors. This fear can be paralyzing, and it can keep us from pushing ourselves and putting ourselves out there. However, the key to success is to “do […]

September 8, 2022


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Have the audacity to…….

Growing up, we were often told to “behave ourselves” and not to do anything too daring or bold. Being audacious was seen as a negative trait that could lead to trouble. However, as I got older and started my own small business, I realized that having the audacity to show up and push through obstacles […]

September 8, 2022


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Make a Call to Action for yourself

Why I need a daily call of action for myself!

July 25, 2022

first steps

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