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carnation collection


September 8, 2022

I did it anyway!

As human beings, we are naturally afraid of failure. We worry about what others might think of us, and we fear that we will not succeed in our endeavors. This fear can be paralyzing, and it can keep us from pushing ourselves and putting ourselves out there. However, the key to success is to “do it anyway.”

For me, the fear of failure was something that held me back for years. I had always dreamed of starting my own business, but the thought of putting myself out there was terrifying. I worried that I wouldn’t be good enough, that people would judge me, and that I would fail. But then I realized that if I wanted to achieve my dreams, I had to “do it anyway.”

One of the scariest things I had to do was taking branding pictures. I knew that having professional photos on my website and social media would help me establish credibility and attract potential clients. However, the idea of standing in front of a camera and posing for pictures made me feel incredibly vulnerable and self-conscious.

But with the help of Destynie Paige Photography, I was able to “do it anyway.” The photo shoot was nerve-wracking, but Destynie made me feel comfortable and confident. And the result was great! It made me more confident and I was ready to “show up”.

I encourage anyone struggling to just “do it anyway.”

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